
Info at a Glance

All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE. Check your local time in AoE.

  • Submission deadline: 2025-06-11
  • Notification: 2025-07-09
  • Publication-ready deadline: 2025-07-30

Message from the Tutorials Chairs

Tutorials allow conference attendees to extend their knowledge beyond their current areas of expertise. The tutorials help people to explore new methods, techniques, and practices; develop new skills in order to innovate; and become inspired to pursue new ideas.

Most Tutorials will run throughout the conference. Tutorial participants will include seasoned academia, industry leaders and practitioners, students, early-career researchers, and a wider audience with general interest. Please make the expected audience very clear in your proposal.

Tutorials might cover (but are not limited to) the following areas: research methods, design, engineering, and professional skills. For example, a tutorial could cover:

  • Foundational concepts of HCI research and practice
  • Specialized Tutorials with significant depth in specific established and/or emerging areas of research and practice, including the various subfields relevant to the SIGCHI community
  • Tools and methods Tutorials that offer hands-on practical skill development in methodologies, technologies, research/design/ development approaches, etc.
  • Academic or professional meta-skills

We invite foundational tutorials on HCI Research and Design, as well as any tutorials that would be relevant and interesting to conference attendees and particularly also to practitioners. Priority will be given to Tutorials with clearly defined learning outcomes of strong and immediate relevance to tutorial attendees.

Preparing and Submitting Your Tutorial Proposal

Submission Details

Submission Format

  • Detailed Tutorial Description, 3 pages (2-column, excluding references)
  • Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information.

Tutorial Proposal

The Tutorial description is the most important part of your proposal. The chairs will evaluate the tutorial based primarily on this description. This part of the proposal must not exceed 3 pages (2-column, excluding references). Ideally, the proposal addresses the following items:

  • Title of the Tutorial (please make this short but descriptive)
  • Names and affiliations of the instructor(s).
  • 100 words Abstract/Tutorial Description. This will also appear on the conference website, describing your tutorial to promote and advertise it.
  • Benefits: The learning outcomes, including skills and knowledge the attendees will gain as a result of attending this tutorial. This should also include the reasons that attendees would want to take your tutorial.
  • Intended Audience(s): Types of audience (researchers, students, practitioners, etc) that will benefit from the tutorial.
  • Prerequisites (optional): Describe any background required to understand the Tutorial, including attendance at any other tutorial in the program if that is a requirement.
  • Content: Describe in detail the content (e.g., practical) and structure of your tutorial.
  • Instructor background: List a short background paragraph of each instructor(e.g., current employment and activities, previous professional activities, relevant publications).
  • Organizational details: Desired day, duration, room requirements, etc. Please clearly specify the language in advance.
  • Tutorial Material Sample (optional): Provide a sample of the tutorial material you will present in this tutorial. This can include handouts, slides, or other relevant material you plan to use or have used before in tutorials, talks, or related curricula. Sample tutorial materials are very helpful in the Chairs’ tutorial selection process.

The Detailed tutorial description document needs to follow the ACM Master Article Submission Template (prepared already in 2-column format). Please make sure it includes all the above-listed sections and also covers your accessibility strategies.


Authors are expected to follow SIGCHI’s Guide to an Accessible Submission. If you have any questions or concerns about creating accessible submissions, please contact the DEI & Accessibility Chairs via accessibility@mensch-und-computer.de  early in the writing process (the closer to the deadline, the less time the team will have to respond to individual requests). 


Submissions should be prepared with an active consideration towards the respectful use of language, particularly towards marginalised groups, particularly around gender and disability.

Selection Process

Tutorials are selected using a review process. Tutorials are a juried track and the Tutorial Chairs will select Tutorials at their discretion. Acceptance decisions will be based on assessing how compelling the tutorial will likely be for conference attendees. No reviews or rating scores will be included in the acceptance/rejection notice. 

Tutorials should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time. Tutorials that promote products or services (solely for marketing purposes) will not be considered. Tutorials may discuss techniques or products in the context of larger issues. Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, submission confidentiality will be maintained during the selection process.

Upon Acceptance of your Tutorial

The instructors will receive more information about the expected format of the Tutorial notes and about logistics (e.g., A/V equipment, recommendations) after acceptance of tutorials. Tutorial notes should be in accessible formats (i.e., screen reader accessible PDFs, videos with captions, audio files with transcripts) and include materials such as:

  • Overview and clear time plan for your units (please remember to schedule breaks)
  • Copies of presentation material, e.g., slides
  • Annotated bibliography and/or recommended reading
  • Copies of relevant background material or scholarly papers (for which the instructors have obtained any necessary reprint permission)
  • Tutorial exercises, as appropriate

At the Conference

All tutorial organizers who will run the in-person tutorial at the conference have to register for the conference. Tutorials will be held in person and should not be longer than one half-day, but can vary between one or two sessions, each 90 minutes long. The Tutorial Chairs and Local Chairs will coordinate Audio/Video requirements with accepted tutorial instructors.  

After the Conference

Accepted tutorial proposals will be published in the Mensch Und Computer Extended Abstracts Proceedings. They will be placed in the GI library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.