Sponsoring Information

Welcome Message

The “Mensch und Computer” is the annual conference of the Human-Computer Interaction Division of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., GI) and the German Usability Professionals Association (https://www.germanupa.de/). It is the leading event on the topic of human-computer interaction in German-speaking countries and one of the largest European conferences in this field. We would like to offer you as a company the opportunity to get involved as a sponsor and/or exhibitor, as well as to enter into dialogue with the expert audience during “Mensch und Computer 2025”. If you are interested in one of the sponsoring packages and would like to support us in hosting the “Mensch und Computer 2025” in Chemnitz Kulturhauptstadt 2025, please contact our sponsoring team by e-mail.

About the conference

Conference venue

Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude
Reichenhainer Straße 90
09126 Chemnitz


Up to 800 people from science, research and practice meet at the ‘Mensch und Computer’ conference to discuss the latest research findings, exchange experiences and familiarise themselves with new products and methods. Among them are usability professionals, decision-makers from industry and universities as well as a large number of students, doctoral candidates and graduates. The conference offers insights into developments in the fields of usability engineering, user experience, design thinking, human-computer interaction, interactive media design, entertainment computing, computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) and social computing.

Since the ‘Mensch und Computer’ conference series was founded in 2000, a steadily growing number of locally and globally operating technology-orientated companies have taken the opportunity to address an open-minded group of people specifically within the framework of the conference and to present their own products and services to them in a sustainable manner.

Programme schedule

The four days of the event will feature keynote speeches by leading scientists, tutorials on central topics of human-computer interaction, workshops and paper sessions, a doctoral colloquium as well as poster and demo sessions.


The conference will be accompanied by a trade exhibition, which is centrally integrated into the event rooms and located in the immediate vicinity of the catering stations. At the trade exhibition, interested companies will present their products and services to a broad professional audience. They present themselves as attractive employers and establish contacts with potential employees. Social events are planned on both evenings of the main conference days (Monday, 1 September 2025 and Tuesday, 2 September 2025).

For sponsorship options, please contact our Sponsoring Chairs
Eduard Daoud (eduard.daoud@sql-ag.de) and Tobias Münch (to.muench@muench-its.de)

Public Relations

The conference will be promoted to the public in Germany and other German and English-speaking countries through a variety of communication measures. These include editorial articles in specialist journals and the distribution of posters, flyers and programme booklets to the target groups and participating institutions. A broad spectrum of experts is also targeted via e-mail distribution lists. In addition, the event is publicised via the press offices of Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC), the German Informatics Society, German Usability Professionals e.V. (UPA).

The website https://muc2025.mensch-und-computer.de provides regular updates on dates, submission of papers, the conference programme and places sponsors in a prominent position (depending on the sponsorship package booked).

Contact to Sponsoring Chairs

Eduard Daoud

SQL Projekt AG
Tobias Münch

Münch Ges. für IT-Solutions mbH


Champion Sponsor (1x available)

  • As a champion sponsor, your company will be prominently mentioned at the opening and closing of the conference.
  • You will receive a 10 square metre stand in a prime location with high visitor traffic.
  • You will receive your own slide on the LED-controlled welcome screen (large screen) above the main entrance.
  • Your logo will be presented in various places: Programme booklet, poster, banner at the event, banner at the evening event, website. Mention in a prominent position in the online programme/PDF. Your roll-up (or similar) will be prominently displayed.
  • You will be given a room for 90 minutes to hold an event (e.g. tutorial or workshop). This event will take place parallel to the programme and will be listed in the programme. We will work with you to find the best time for you and your target group and agree your ideas with you.
  • You may submit two specific topics for the Student Design Challenge on the subject of digital diversity. Students will work on the challenge during the conference and create concrete solution proposals in the form of interactive prototypes. You will have the opportunity to enter into dialogue with the students.
  • Conference participation and the evening event are included for three of your employees.

Your contribution in return: € 12,000.00 (plus VAT)

Gold Sponsor (4x available)

  • Your company will be named as a Gold Sponsor at the opening and closing of the conference.
  • You will have a stand of approx. 6 square metres in a prime location with high visitor traffic.
  • Your logo will be displayed on the LED-controlled welcome screen (large) above the main entrance, etc.
  • Your logo will be presented in various places: Programme booklet, poster, banner at the event, banner at the evening event, website. Mention in a prominent position in the online programme/PDF/website. Your roll-up (or similar) will be prominently displayed.
  • You may submit a specific topic for the Student Design Challenge on the subject of digital diversity. Students will work on the challenge during the conference and create a concrete solution proposal in the form of an interactive prototype. You will have the opportunity to enter into dialogue with the students.
  • Conference participation and the evening event are included for two of your employees.

Your contribution in return: € 6,000.00 (plus VAT)

Silver Sponsor

  • Your company will be named as a silver sponsor at the opening and closing of the conference.
  • You will receive a stand of approx. 3 square metres in a very good position.
  • Your logo will be displayed on the LED-controlled welcome screen (large) above the main entrance, etc.
  • Your logo will be presented in various places: Programme booklet, poster, banner at the event, banner at the evening event, website.
  • Conference participation and the evening event are included for one of your employees.

Your contribution in return: €3,000.00 (plus VAT)

Bronze Sponsor

  • Your company will be mentioned as a bronze sponsor at the opening and closing of the conference.
  • You have the opportunity to place your roll-up in a very favourable position.
  • Your logo will be displayed on the LED-controlled welcome screen (large) above the main entrance, etc.
  • Your logo will be presented in various places: Programme booklet, poster, banner at the event, banner at the evening event, website.

Your contribution in return: €2,000.00 (plus VAT)

Start-Up Corner

  • Your start-up will be mentioned at the opening and closing of the conference.
  • You have the opportunity to set up your roll-up on a joint stand on an area of 1 square metre.
  • Your logo will be displayed on the LED-controlled welcome screen (large) above the main entrance, etc.

Your contribution in return: €1,500.00 (plus VAT)

Mensch und Computer 2025 Sponsorenpaket im Überblick

ChampionGoldSilberBronzeStart-Up* Corner
Sponsor contribution in €12.000,00 € 6.000,00 €3.000,00 €2.000,00 €1.500,00 €
Stand personnel32111
Free tickets32111
Exhibition space (in square metres)10 qm6 qm3 qmRollup1 square metre on a community stand
Presentation of logo/roll-ups at various locationsxx
Mention on mailings and websitexxxxx
Screen entryOne SlideLogo in the shared slideLogo in the shared slideLogo in the shared slideLogo in the shared slide
Social Media /Mediaxx
Participation in the Student Design Challenge – Rapid Prototypes x
(two topics)
(one topic)
Own event (on request)On request
* Kopie des HRA, nicht älter als 24 Monate.

Impressions of Chemnitz University of Technology

Chemnitz University of Technology combines the core of a technical university in the engineering sciences, mathematics and natural sciences with a broad spectrum in the humanities, social sciences and economics. As part of its inter- and transdisciplinary profile, Chemnitz University of Technology strives for regional, national and international visibility and effectiveness. Chemnitz University of Technology’s research activities focus on the three core competences “Materials and Intelligent Systems”, “Resource-efficient Production and Lightweight Construction” and “Humans and Technology”. Chemnitz University of Technology makes important contributions to innovation at the interface between technology and society. In this context, it is also striving for successful participation in the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments. Chemnitz University of Technology makes a significant contribution to the recruitment of skilled labour with its profile-oriented range of courses. An international network enriches academic and student exchange. Chemnitz University of Technology focuses on transfer to the region, for example by supporting the construction and establishment of a hydrogen centre in Chemnitz, the Smart Rail Connectivity Campus in Annaberg-Buchholz, the research platform for refrigeration and energy technology in Reichenbach and support for structural change in Lausitz.

Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude

Reichenhainer Straße 90
09126 Chemnitz

Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude

Reichenhainer Straße 90
09126 Chemnitz

City panorama of Chemnitz
with Böttcher building of the TU Chemnitz in the foreground

Straße der Nationen 62
09107 Chemnitz